Thursday, December 3, 2020

Renewing my Enchantment with Writing Blogs

Everyday is a special occasion.

                    by Elizabeth Nisperos

 Hello world;

If you believe in love, everyday is Christmas day, everyday is a special occasion. For the big Love , Redeemer Jesus came to save us, the people who dwelt in darkness.

At work, we were not allowed to do online or social media stuff. Now I'm refired in this pandemic settings, it's about time to start with my first priority hobby, that is writing and renewing my blog writing, just for the fun of it. 

Also I've noticed since I don't put my name on my pages, other people had plagiarized my entire post by using it in their own blogs, putting on their own names and just put photos on it.

Don't lift up my past blogs and place the entire article and name it as your own.

Keep safe, wear mask, wash hands, perform social distance for the well-being of everybody.