Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Amazing SF Giants Win National League Pennant- Proceed to the World Series

Kalligraphia 13 Piece "October is In Love with the Impossible" - Celebrated Ahead   Even Before the SF Giants  Won

Even before the SF Giants won the Division  Championship, the Division Series, and now the 2012  National League Championship , Kalligraphia 13 held from June 13 to August 26, 2012 at the San Francisco Public Library Skylight Gallery , Elizabeth Nisperos' "October is In love with the Impossible" piece  already 'knew'  the San Francisco Giants was going to the World Series again


Kristopher & Sonja Smile  at Kalligraphia 13 event- Good Luck Charms for the SF Giants

Trailing behind the Cincinnati Reds 2-0, the Giants won 3 games to win the Division Series. Then trailing again 3-1 behind the St Louis Cardinals, the SF Giants came back to win the National League Pennant and the right to the World Series 2012.
The SF Giants fans at Kalligraphia 13 celebrated the 2012 SF Giants before even they clinched the Pennant.

Attendees Viewing

Linda checking out the piece
Dough & Judy having a conversation

Paulette waves in front of  SF Giants logo & Raoul Martinez Shakespeare "Sleep"

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