Monday, November 26, 2012

My Four Gigantic Scrolls on the Altar For November

Becoming  a Soferet or a Scribe

The Blogger's four  scrolls displayed for the entire month of  November at the two side altars. This is  a Thanksgiving Mass 
   Soferet  means  a scribe , a traditionally male position who  transcribes Jewish Hebrew  texts like the Torah. In today's world a scribe can be a woman like Julie Seltzer. Generally a scribe in ancient tradition is one who writes spiritual text and the writings are presented or displayed on holy place like an altar.  In the Christian world, they are called evangelists like Luke,Matthew, Mark, & John . These scribes who wrote Gospels for the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Thanksgiving at St. Veronica's. Scrolls are 15 feet long, 3 feet wide.
  Does a scribe need to be a star calligrapher with 30 to 40 years of experience who can calligraph  the best letters you can possibly imagine?  A calligrapher with tons of accolades? One who is heavily published in journals and displayed in several galleries or museum? Not so fast. Take for example Julie Seltzer a baker who was self-studying a Hebrew script for one and a half year and while walking on the street had an awakening to write the Torah. She doesn't not belong to an exclusive Society where only the very best becomes member.  Her story suggest she was  called upon and recruited by a powerful force , like the Creator of the Universe to write something spiritual.

Thanksgiving  at St Veronica's Church

After Kalligraphia 13 ended, I was asked if I'd like to do a scroll to honor the parishioners who passed away for the year. They were going to be displayed for "All Souls Day " in November. I said yes immediately because I though there would only two scrolls of small sizes. The requirement was the names would be readable.
When I was given the paper , "Oh my these scrolls are big." Not only they are long (two scrolls of 15 feet, two scrolls of 13 feet in length; 36 inches or 3 feet wide). Where I would write these scrolls? My little studio at the backyard doesn't have a long big table? I almost withdrew my yes. I wrote each name on smaller pieces of paper and remembered how these people who are now gone had lived their lives.

  Good--- the St Veronica's Pastoral Center had a room full of  tables  where I can lay down the scroll.  I also got help from my sister-in-law Gina and my sister Cora and her husband Joe to put the scroll together. My problem was some names are long and some are short - so there was not an eveness of my letterweight. My border is a simple line colored in purple, color for sorrow.

                                             names in scroll separated by a circle of gold with a simple purple border

This little project of making four gigantic scrolls left me exhausted in October because I also work full time. However it was  about honoring other people who have changed their address from earth to another unknown world.  I felt good when I saw my scrolls displayed on two side altars for the entire month of November. A work  displayed on an altar,a sacred holy place makes me feel  like a scribe of  the ancient evangelists. Better than being displayed on a gallery or on a journal. When your work is placed on an altar, it is as if the Creator chooses you to be a part of his Divine Universe.

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