Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Iyana Leveque -- Sphere of Conditionality

Iyana's Sphere Looks Like the Ball Out of the Big-Bang Theory

Iyana Leveque "Sphere of Conditonality"

The first time I came upon Iyana's title "Sphere of Conditionality". Hmm, Too Abstract but deep and I didn't really pay attention much to her piece. However this month , I was listening to a Particle Physics lecture, and  the Big-Bang Theory on how the Universe  was being discussed.  There was a lot of photos and videos accompanying the talk. All of sudden one of the photos reminded me of Ilyana’s piece, the colors with a yellow bright spot in the middle encircled by black-blue rings exploding into orange-golden
rays of light particles.

When I saw again Iyana’s piece again I took a photo of it. I took a lot of photos of Kalligraphia 13  since the exhibition's opening.  Later on  after attending the demonstration I go to the sixth floor to get shots of the pieces.
 Iyana's piece made me write something in my journal.
            when the  Universe
            came out
            so did the

    author: en

I usually count my syllables as I write to follow the 15 or 17 rules for a haiku. However, I wrote the above lines spontaneously without any thought on the number of syllables  and guess what a haiku came out-- 15 syllables all together.

What are the spheres of conditionality? Are they conditions for a sphere? Or conditions became a sphere of endless loops? Try to think about the title?

In many spiritual retreats I attend , the retreat master usually emphasizes Divine Love as a sample of a Love without conditions. The reason human love fails because humans put so many conditions on a relationship. Human beings are not perfect and they cannot fulfill all the conditions placed by another human being.

Bill Joel's song "Just The Way You Are" does not put conditions on the person he loves because he loves her just the way she is without changing anything about her.

Below is a wonderful quotation to love another person unconditionally.
“Nothing you become will disappoint me; I have no preconception that I'd like to see you be or do. I have no desire to forsee you, only to discover you. You can't disappoint me”
― Mary Haskell


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