Thursday, August 30, 2012

Maria Giudice "You Know It Was Good" Reminds me of Genesis

Maria Giudice Instills Confidence In Me  & Leads Me, Hopefully You  to Believe "You Know  It Was Good"


Maria Giudice "You Know It Was Good"
I cannot read Maria's text  but I liked her title. It was Maria's title "You Know  It Was Good" that led me to search her piece. It’s black and white but Maria knows it was good. Is her piece some kind of obliteration in which you can only see parts of the letters  or words? Whatever is inside her piece, Maria knows it was good. And for me that's great attitude.

The great inventors, artists, writers, and a lot of great human beings who shared their genius  and wonder  all knew inspite of all the rejections, put downs and exclusion by  the other human beings, they all knew  what they'd created "IT WAS GOOD."

Consider , the inventor Thomas Edison who failed in his experiments 10,000 times but he kept fiddling and trying his experiments because he knew his ideas were good. We're all recipients of his inventions like the electirc bulb.

Consider, Dr. Seuss who is now a popular children's author. You'd think he was published immediately. Depending on who you read, he received from 15 to 128 rejections before his books were published.  But Dr. Suess kept on writing because he knew whatever he was writing "it was good".

I was watching one time Larry King interviewing Paul Harvey who was celebrating his 65th years as a radio host. King asked him if he regretted something he had said on the radio in his 65 years career. Paul Harvey recounted something like this "In the 1950's I was the most popular radio personality. Singers and songs get to be a bigtime hit if radios promote the singers and their songs. So I was asked about my opinion of this new singer. " After listening to this singer, Paul Harvey said , "This young man WILL NEVER GO ANYWHERE!".  Paul Harvey said, "I wish I'd never said that  and could take my words back."  Guess who that young man was. Paul Harvey said, "That young man was ELVIS PRESLEY."  Elvis Presley was also fired after his first performance in Grand Ole Pry and was told to go back being a truck driver. But somewhere in Elvis Presley  soul said his voice 'was good enough."

 Emily Dickinson was not known during her lifetime for her poetry. She sent in a few poems to an  editor to check if her poems 'breathe'. The editor who didn't know new forms told her they were not good enough for publication. Emily kept on  wriiting her poems and binded them together in packets.  She knew inside her soul "They were good." Her poems were published after her death.  In the Lannan biography of Dickinson , the narrator said, "I'm so glad she didn't publish  her poems during her lifetime. There was no editor or critic to tell her what she can or cannot do. Her poems would be revised and edited and her great originality would have been lost."
The prestigious gallery Salon didn't want to give the  Impressionist painters any time slot or spot in the Salon's schedule in Paris . Did they say no way, our art will never get anywhere?   The Impressionists who imagined  a  new form of painting at the early days of their art formed and sponsored their own exhibition show. They knew Impressionism was good as history now tells.
Chicken Soup for the Soul (Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen) an international bestselling book series  with millions of copies sold were rejected 140 times because publishers believed nobody would  want to read an ordinary topic about chicken soup.  But authors knew that chicken soup is good not only for your health but also for the soul.

 In Genesis , God speaks , "Let there be Light....And it was good."   Now this gives me an idea about creation.

When I start creating on a canvas , I would say, "Let there be a painting ... And it was good."
"Let there be a calligraphy piece on page ...And it was good."
"Let there be a design on paper ...And it was good."
When facing blank leger lines , "Let there be a song composition...And it was good."
When I  staring at a blank page - "Let there be a poem, .... And it was good."
"Let there be a story...And it was good."

I will still face failures, exclusion and putdowns.  Those creations will still need  revisions or rewriting but instead of asking  "Is this good enough?" I will say, "I know it is good, was good, it will be good."

 Maria Giudice "You Know  It was Good" piece  helps me be confident. Thank you Maria.  Cheers-- I know your piece is good. Just today, I was posting this writing and I  checked if I can link Maria to any website. Yes, I found out she is a creative designer with her own website.

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