Thursday, July 12, 2012

Christina Schneck's Butterflies With Haiku Reminds Us to Slow Down

The saying inside a circle of butterflies written in Copperplate,  "Even when chased, it pretends not to hurry- the butterfly    / Garaku" made me stop and reflect on this piece.   The word 'garaku' is new to me. I can't seem to find one definition of Garaku.

Christina Schneck's "Butterflies With Haiku"
In a fast paced world of cellphones,tablets,tweets,emails -  trying to get our precious attention for the moment, Christina's piece reminds us to slow down.I saw a young couple having dinner in a restaurant instead of talking to each other, they were all moving their fingers on the  cellphones. There goes the art of conversation even on a date.

No wonder slow movements group are growing like slowfood to counter fast food.
Lao Tzu said,"‘A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.’Our projects, tasks,activities,goals, ambitions are always 'chasing' us to arrive at something.
For what? To be a Burnout?  How fast can we go?  Fast? Where are you going?

We have best sellers like The  One Minute Manager, The  One-Minute Negotiator, The The 30-seconds Lover.

Author of  "In Praise of Slowness"  Carl Honore an advocate of Slow Movement says, "I like a quickie as much as the next person, but I think that there’s an awful lot to be gained from slow sex — from slowing down in the bedroom. You tap into those deeper psychological, emotional, spiritual currents, and you get a better orgasm with the buildup. You can get more bang for your buck, let’s say.”

Remember the Hare & Tortoise Fable? In the end the slow-moving tortoise was the winner. Actress Lily Tomlin said, "Even when you win the rat race, you're still a rat."

One of the reasons I'm studying calligraphy is  to  slow down , breathe in, breathe out. enjoy the moments that will no longer stay with me because time goes by, to slow down and keep dreaming so creative juices will flow longer.
Christina's piece tells me to fly like a butterfy and smile ; Stop and smell not only roses but all the flowers and feel the thorns. Slow down and Savor the Flavor of Moments.

Butterflies remind me of  the author of a bestselling book  "Lolita" : Vladimir Nabokov who was a novelist,poet, short story writer. He was a lepidopterist who studied butterflies which goes to say that you don't have to major in Literature to be a writer.

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